Tilt and Turn doors

- due to their design, they act as a door and a window at the same time

A Tilt and Turn sash can be opened quite often, much more often than a normal door is opened. In some houses, it practically does not close at all, that is, the apartment is constantly ventilated. Therefore, an additional constant load will fall on it. Since it is a rather large sash, the fittings must be very good quality, and the weight of the product must be reduced as much as possible.

Versatile combinations for your home

Tilt and turn – the design allows you to open the door in the ventilation mode.

The Tilt and Turn mechanism is a fitting that allows you to get the well-known mode when opening a upvc window: the lower sash is adjacent to the frame, and the upper sash slightly moves away from it. This scheme of the mechanism has many advantages, but there are also nuances that must be taken into account.

Affordable Design

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Tilt and Turn Door

It can be opened by turning both around the lateral vertical axis and around the lower horizontal axis, i.e. It has swivel and tilt opening modes. The choice of the opening mode is carried out by transferring the window handle to one or another specific position.

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What should you pay attention to when choosing tilt and turn doors?​

Energy efficiency

Up to 30% of the energy spent on heating a house goes through ordinary windows. Help out double glazed awning windows with climate control.

Door colors

A wide range of colors and styles for glazing your home. We offer color and finish options to suit your needs.

Design and beauty

The ability to choose the color of windows for any interior and facade of the house. Complex and non-standard forms.

About 80% of doors are glass

A double glazed door takes on the main “work” of protecting your home from cold, noise and other factors.

We supply doors for any home design

Choose the most suitable windows for you. Be it white or brown windows. Choose handle and profile colors.


Installation of tilt and turn doors

Итак, вот компоненты, необходимые для установки поворотно-откидного механизма окна: группа петель, набор, обеспечивающий угловую передачу, ножницы, запоры, препятствующий неверному открыванию, ручка оконная, блокиратор, микролифт и комплект ответных планок.

Балконные двери и окна в целом оснащаются теми же типами фурнитуры: препятствующими взлому и проникновению с улицы, препятствующими открыванию маленьким ребенком, а также обеспечивающие многорежимный тип проветривания в откидном режиме.

Full range of uPVC double glazed doors

If you are thinking about installing plastic doors in your home, be sure to hire a professional to do the job. Installation can be tricky and it’s important to make sure the doors  are properly sealed to avoid air leaks.

Calculate the cost of doors online

Door calculator

For a more accurate calculation, we offer you to calculate the cost of doors for free using the online calculator on our website.

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