Stacker doors

– get the best sliding door look for your home

Fashionable design and versatile equipment options make the door one of the most versatile industrial door systems in the world.

Versatile design for your home​

Our parallel sliding doors are compact and extremely durable. When opened, each door element lines up vertically and compactly one after the other.

Thanks to this mechanism, sliding doors from our company are suitable for almost all installation cases – both in new buildings and in renovations.

Affordable Design

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Stacker Door 3 panel Low Threshold

Glass sliding doors facing the courtyard or where the sun rises are a great way to open up more space in your home.

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Stacker Door 3 panel

The most common type of stacker door consists of three panels, where one panel is fixed and the other two panels are sliding.

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Stacker Door 5 panel

The doors fold one after the other as they slide forward.

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Stacker Door 6 panel Low Threshold

One of the panels at each end will be fixed and then four panels will slide, two slide in one direction and two slide in the other direction.

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What should you pay attention to when choosing stacker doors?​

Energy efficiency

Up to 30% of the energy spent on heating a house goes through ordinary windows. Help out double glazed awning windows with climate control.

Door colors

A wide range of colors and styles for glazing your home. We offer color and finish options to suit your needs.

Design and beauty

The ability to choose the color of windows for any interior and facade of the house. Complex and non-standard forms.

About 80% of windows are glass

A double glazed window takes on the main “work” of protecting your home from cold, noise and other factors.

We supply doors for any home design

Choose the most suitable windows for you. Be it white or brown windows. Choose handle and profile colors.


Installation of Stacker doors

Wide stacker doors. When open, the stacker doors provide up to 6 meters of uninterrupted visibility from the outside, a smooth transition from outside to inside, and fill the room with natural light and ventilation.

Stacker doors are the most commonly used type of door in a home, and also the type you are most likely familiar with. They have two door panels, one fixed and one or more sliding. The sliding door opens horizontally along the track, while the fixed panel does not move at all.

Full range of uPVC double glazed doors

If you are thinking about installing plastic windows in your home, be sure to hire a professional to do the job. Installation can be tricky and it’s important to make sure the windows are properly sealed to avoid air leaks.

Calculate the cost of doors online

Door calculator

For a more accurate calculation, we offer you to calculate the cost of doors for free using the online calculator on our website.

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