Soundproof doors

A properly organized design of the front door assumes that extraneous sounds do not enter the room and do not leave it. The internal filling of the canvas, the tightness of the door seals and the upholstery are responsible for this. As a rule, if there are problems with sound insulation at the door, this means that the insulation layer inside the leaf is broken, the sash has lost most of its protective properties and measures must be taken.

It may be necessary to increase the degree of insulation of doors from noise when the seal mounted on the inner surface of the uPVC door has worn out, the tightness of joints and cracks along the perimeter of the structure is broken, and the heat and sound insulating material of the leaf needs to be replaced.

Affordable Design

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Casement Door Tilt and Turn

It can be opened by turning both around the lateral vertical axis and around the lower horizontal axis, i.e. It has swivel and tilt opening modes. The choice of the opening mode is carried out by transferring the door handle to one or another specific position.

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Casement Door open Out

Casement doors that are full-framed offer a high degree of security, thermal insulation, acoustic insulation, and weather resistance. Consider patterned or frosted glass for privacy or decoration to add a feature to your door.

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Casement Door Low Threshold​

Whether a front door or a back door, this door is available with a low step threshold. The upvc profile for entrance doors is strong enough, reliably serves during operation, can withstand significant loads.

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French Door

Panoramic doors overlooking a terrace or balcony are popular in countries with a warm mild climate. There they allow you to admire beautiful views of the courtyard or open up a view of the city landscapes.

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French Door with Low Threshold

Let more light into the room. Even if the balcony faces north, the room will become much brighter.

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French Door Tilt and Turn

They have an original European style. They fit into the interior of any style due to the variety of frame materials and glazing design.

Stacker Door 3 panel Low Threshold

Glass sliding doors facing the courtyard or where the sun rises are a great way to open up more space in your home.

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Stacker Door 3 panel

The most common type of stacker door consists of three panels, where one panel is fixed and the other two panels are sliding.

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Stacker Door 5 panel

The doors fold one after the other as they slide forward.

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Stacker Door 6 panel Low Threshold

One of the panels at each end will be fixed and then four panels will slide, two slide in one direction and two slide in the other direction.

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Bifold Door 3 panel ...330

The mechanism of operation is quite similar to blinds only in a vertical version. The parking zone is determined at the time of ordering the segment and its installation.

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Bifold Door 4 panel ...413

Allows you to fully open the sash and at the same time save usable space. It is convenient to use a upvc bifold door on balconies and loggias, in commercial premises and private houses, as well as in the arrangement of winter gardens.

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Tilt and Slide Door

When opened, the sash does not occupy the living space of the room, but shifts parallel to the frame.

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Sliding Door with Flyscreen

Sliding doors are an original and modern solution for your home, balcony, terrace, hall or foyer.

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Sliding Door Fully Framed

The room in which this design is installed becomes brighter, well lit.

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Sliding Door Low Threshold

Sliding upvc doors will serve for many years without losing their operational properties and aesthetic appearance.

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Sliding Door 4 panel

Sliding models save space, due to which they can be used not only in glazing balconies and terraces, but also indoors and even as interior partitions.

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We supply doors for any home design

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Full range of uPVC double glazed doors

If you are thinking about installing upvc doors in your home, be sure to hire a professional to do the job. Installation can be tricky and it’s important to make sure the doors are properly sealed to avoid air leaks.


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