Low-E glass

— production of Low-E glass to order

If you are looking for a way to increase the energy efficiency of your home, then low energy efficiency glass is a great option.

More about Low-E glass:

Low-e glass is a type of glass with low emissivity, meaning it does not transmit heat as easily as other types of glass.

This makes it a great choice for windows as it can help keep your home cool in summer and warm in winter.

Low-e glass is also transparent, so you don’t have to sacrifice natural light to enjoy its benefits.

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What should you pay attention to when choosing windows?

Energy efficiency

Up to 30% of the energy spent on heating a house goes through ordinary windows. Help out double glazed awning windows with climate control.

Window colors

A wide range of colors and styles for glazing your home. We offer color and finish options to suit your needs.

Design and beauty

The ability to choose the color of windows for any interior and facade of the house. Complex and non-standard forms.

About 80% of windows are glass

Double-glazed windows take on the "work" of keeping your home safe from cold, noise and effects.

Calculate the cost of windows online

Window calculator

For a more accurate calculation, we offer you to calculate the cost of windows for free using the online calculator on our website.

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