Glass House

– stunning and eco-friendly uPVC glass houses

The glass house was also given the value of a structure built adjacent to the main building, with more than 75% of the incoming light tolerance on the roof area and more than 50% of the incoming light tolerance on the wall area. Today, however, the Glass House is a structure built away from the main building and used as a living space.

Versatile design for your home

The highlight of this glazing is that this amount of glass creates a feeling of a completely open space. This project is very unusual, it emphasizes the connection between the internal and external environment and the triumph of glass.

The glass house is made of innovative glass and tempered triplex. It is created using the most modern technologies, so it is absolutely safe. From such glass, you can create any object of almost any size.

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На что нужно обратить внимание при выборе окон?


До 30% энергии, потраченной на отопление дома, уходит через обычные двери. Выручают Термоокна™ с климат-контролем.

Цвета дверей

Широкий выбор цветов и стилей для остекления вашего дома. Мы предлагаем варианты цвета и отделки в соответствии с вашими предпочтениями.

Дизайн и красота

Возможность подобрать цвет двери под любой интерьер и фасад дома. Сложные и нестандартные формы.

Около 80% окна — стекло

Стеклопакет берёт на себя основную «работу» по обереганию вашего дома от холодов, шума и прочих факторов.

We supply doors for any home design

Choose the most suitable windows for you. Be it white or brown windows. Choose handle and profile colors.

Calculate the cost of glass house online

Glass house calculator

For a more accurate calculation, we offer you to calculate the cost of glass house for free using the online calculator on our website.

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