Fixed windows

– Available in various styles and colors

Fixed windows are the ideal choice for customers looking for high quality fixed windows.

Our windows are manufactured to the highest standards to ensure years of trouble-free operation.

Contact us today to find out more about our PVC windows.

Fixed windows can be whatever you want!

If you’re looking for a way to make your home or office stand out, fixed double glazed windows are the way to go. These windows are made of transparent, durable material that can be adapted to any room. And because they are deaf, they provide a clean, professional look that can instantly transform any space.

And because they are so easy to install, you can do it yourself in just a few hours. So why not try?

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What should you pay attention to when choosing fixed windows?​

Energy efficiency

Up to 30% of the energy spent on heating a house goes through ordinary windows. Help out double glazed awning windows with climate control.


Low-rise country houses impose additional requirements on the strength of windows and their components.

Design and beauty

The ability to choose the color of windows for any interior and facade of the house. Complex and non-standard forms.

About 80% of windows are glass

A double glazed window takes on the main “work” of protecting your home from cold, noise and other factors.

We supply doors for any home design

Choose the most suitable windows for you. Be it white or brown windows. Choose handle and profile colors.


Installation of fixed windows

Installing fixed upvc windows is a relatively simple project that most homeowners can order from our company.

There are many benefits to installing fixed windows in your home. These windows are durable and require little maintenance, making them a great choice for busy families. They also provide excellent insulation against heat and cold, helping to lower your energy bills.

With a little planning and effort, you can easily install fixed windows in your home and enjoy all of their benefits.

Full range of uPVC double glazed windows

If you are thinking about installing plastic windows in your home, be sure to hire a professional to do the job. Installation can be tricky and it’s important to make sure the windows are properly sealed to avoid air leaks.

Calculate the cost of windows online

Window calculator

For a more accurate calculation, we offer you to calculate the cost of windows for free using the online calculator on our website.

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