Bifold doors

— effective and practical solutions for commercial and residential premises

A bifold upvc door (accordion) appeared on the construction market relatively recently, but has already gained popularity among consumers.

Versatile combinations for your home

Folding, in the form of an accordion, Upvc doors have an interesting design that attracts many buyers. They consist of several panels connected by a hinged profile. The movement of the canvas occurs with the help of rollers installed on the ceiling, or on the upper part of the doorway.

The door opens and closes silently thanks to the presence of bearings. Upvc panels can have different widths, and if the client wishes, they can be supplemented with inserts, such as glass, which makes the design even more interesting.

Affordable Design

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The mechanism of operation is quite similar to blinds only in a vertical version. The parking zone is determined at the time of ordering the segment and its installation.

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Allows you to fully open the sash and at the same time save usable space. It is convenient to use a upvc bifold door on balconies and loggias, in commercial premises and private houses, as well as in the arrangement of winter gardens.

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What should you pay attention to when choosing Bifold doors?

Energy efficiency

Up to 30% of the energy spent on heating a house goes through ordinary windows. Help out double glazed awning windows with climate control.

Door colors

A wide range of colors and styles for glazing your home. We offer color and finish options to suit your needs.

Design and beauty

The ability to choose the color of windows for any interior and facade of the house. Complex and non-standard forms.

About 80% of doors are glass

A double glazed door takes on the main “work” of protecting your home from cold, noise and other factors.

We supply doors for any home design

Choose the most suitable windows for you. Be it white or brown windows. Choose handle and profile colors.


Installation of Bifold doors

Bifold Doors offer the biggest possible openable area, they can be opening in or opening out and can be top hung or bottom hung. Bottom hung bi-folds feature a low step threshold that can be sunk into the floor. It’s possible to have a retractable flyscreen, inside or out, depending on the opening direction of the doors. Bifolds are available in 3,4,5, or 6 panels and standard sizes go up to 2400mm high.

It is easy to install, takes up little space, which is important in small apartments. In addition, the range is presented in a wide variety of colors and stylish design. An accordion-shaped door is often installed on a balcony, at the exit to the courtyard, etc.

Full range of uPVC double glazed doors​

If you are thinking about installing plastic doors in your home, be sure to hire a professional to do the job. Installation can be tricky and it’s important to make sure the doors  are properly sealed to avoid air leaks.

Calculate the cost of doors online

Door calculator

For a more accurate calculation, we offer you to calculate the cost of doors for free using the online calculator on our website.

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