Sun room

— let in more light

Sun rooms are a glazed veranda or living room with solar exposure. It is also called a solarium. You may have heard them referred to as tanning beds, garden rooms, sun decks, or patios. They offer a safe place from bad weather, insects and UV rays without sacrificing views or airflow. Whether indoors or out, tanning beds and screened verandas offer the best of both worlds.

Versatile design for your home​

We have customizable tanning beds that are designed to best suit any home or space. Sunrooms not only look beautiful, they also offer the durability of materials combined with flexible style, exceptional features and functionality. Here are some of the benefits of installing Sunrooms.

There are standards and factors to consider before installing a Sunroom such as location, security features, energy efficiency and environmental friendliness.

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До 30% энергии, потраченной на отопление дома, уходит через обычные двери. Выручают Термоокна™ с климат-контролем.

Цвета дверей

Широкий выбор цветов и стилей для остекления вашего дома. Мы предлагаем варианты цвета и отделки в соответствии с вашими предпочтениями.

Дизайн и красота

Возможность подобрать цвет двери под любой интерьер и фасад дома. Сложные и нестандартные формы.

Около 80% окна — стекло

Стеклопакет берёт на себя основную «работу» по обереганию вашего дома от холодов, шума и прочих факторов.

We supply doors for any home design

Choose the most suitable windows for you. Be it white or brown windows. Choose handle and profile colors.

Calculate the cost of sunroom online

Sunroom calculator

For a more accurate calculation, we offer you to calculate the cost of sunroom for free using the online calculator on our website.

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